Decoding The Web #11 : Component Lifecycles

What you must know about!

Hey There, dear reader!

Welcome to Day 11 of our 30-day "Decoding the Web" series! Today, we'll be learning about React Component Lifecycles in both class and functional components. Understanding lifecycles is crucial for managing your components effectively. Let's explore the importance of lifecycles and how they work in both component types.

Email Summary

  • πŸ” React Component Lifecycles

  • πŸ› οΈ Lifecycles in Class Components (the old way)

  • 🎯 Lifecycles in Functional Components (recommended)

  • πŸ’‘ 3 Ideas to Think About

  • 🧩 Quiz Time!

  • πŸ’­ Shower Thought

πŸ” React Component Lifecycles

Component lifecycles describe the different stages a component goes through during its life in a React application. Knowing these stages allows you to optimize rendering and manage resources efficiently. There are three main phases in a component's lifecycle:

  1. Mounting: When a component is created and inserted into the DOM.

  2. Updating: When a component's state or props change, causing a re-render.

  3. Unmounting: When a component is removed from the DOM.

πŸ› οΈ Lifecycles in Class Components

In class components, there are several lifecycle methods that you can override to run your code at a particular time in the process. Lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount are used to manage component behavior during different lifecycle phases.

Lifecycle Methods in Class Components

🎯 Lifecycles in Functional Components

For functional components, the React team recommends using the useEffect hook to manage lifecycles. This hook allows you to perform side effects, such as data fetching and subscriptions, and can cover all lifecycle phases in a single, unified approach.

UseEffect Hook to manage Lifecycles in Functional Components

To get a better understanding, watch this video, as you will understand in less than 5 minutes every lifecycle method and how they work with the 3 phases: Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting.

Get a better understanding of how to effectively manage your components throughout their lifecycle!

πŸ’‘ 3 Ideas to Think About

  1. Understanding component lifecycles is essential for effectively managing resources and optimizing rendering in your React applications.

  2. Although the React team recommends functional components with hooks, knowing the lifecycles in both class and functional components can provide valuable insights and a deeper understanding of React.

  3. Embracing the power of the useEffect hook in functional components can lead to cleaner, more maintainable code that adheres to current best practices.

🧩 Quiz Time!

There is no quiz today unfortunately, but it’s more a sort of recommendation to check the React documentation of the useEffect hook! With packed-examples and detailed steps, there is no better way to learn about useEffect hook. Super necessary to check!

πŸ’­ Shower Thoughts

If React components were like LEGO bricks, would building a UI be like constructing a masterpiece from a vast collection of colorful, interlocking pieces, each with its own unique purpose and place?

Stay curious, keep exploring, and join us again tomorrow for another update of "Decoding the Web."

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Ramadan Mubarak! πŸŒ™

Kawtar Choubari ;)


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